Revised Plan

We'd like to thank those who provided feedback on the draft Bundanoon Off Leash Dog Park design.

Your valuable feedback has been taken into consideration when creating the final design which we would now like to share with you.

The notable changes include:

  • Bench seats with concrete bases to be provided under native shade trees as well as some located under shade structures.
  • Provide additional drainage infrastructure to boggy areas.
  • The pedestrian entry has now been moved adjacent to the existing footpath and will be concreted to allow for better mobility access.
  • A pedestrian access way has now been included to allow direct access from Lorna Close to Jordans Crossing.
  • Although the original design included vehicle access for Council's maintenance team, the revised plan has relocated access which will allow for parking during the Brigadoon Festival.

Thank you once again for your valuable feedback.

The project will now move forward.

The final design can be viewed by clicking here.

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